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Bosch Access Control Systems and FASTCOM’s SMACS solution, a reliable and flexible anti-tailgating access control solution

  • Bosch Access Control Systems and FASTCOM’s SMACS solution, a reliable and flexible anti-tailgating access control solution

  • Simultaneous control of people flows, handicapped as well as people with extreme corpulence, hand-luggage and material

  • Allows for multi-functional infrastructure and multi-mode passages

  • Seamless integration into available architectural and technical infrastructure


Tailgating is one of the most common security breaches. It starts out innocently – an employee opening a door and holding it open for others, visitors without badges, or the passive acceptance of a uniformed worker. Anti-tailgating strategies ensure that only the people meant to be in your building are allowed access – approved users go in, unauthorized people are blocked. At present, antitailgating is being requested by an expanding number of security norms such as PCI, GSMA or AEO. Thus, a reliable access control solution must prevent tailgating while keeping solutions flexible, i.e. how can the solution adapt to my building infrastructure?, how can be managed the passage of handicapped people or of material between unsecured and secured zones?

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